Monday, May 3, 2010

15-Minute Workout (5/3/2010) - NEW POEM

Welcome back,

I'm up late (SUPER-late) making the most of my dwindling free time. I just got done with another 15-Minute Workout. Check it out and, as usual, leave me some feedback. Keep following and checking back for more book information.

And if you're puzzled by the picture, read the Workout and you'll understand why. LOL.

Thanks for the visit! Peace!

15-Minute Workout – 5/3/10

I’m up late thinking about my issues
Minus the tissues
And save the criticism
I have no intention to diss you
I’m just opening up
Making myself susceptible
Bullet-proof vest taken down
Constructive criticism is acceptable
Yeah, I know I’m flawed
But I don’t like to accept it, though
When I say that I’m a work-in-progress
The keyword is “progress”
Fully accepting that it’s a process
Reaching my final destination? Not yet
I still need a bit more polish
Not referring to degrees from college
Or even material from the hard-knock syllabus
I know that this isn’t just me, or just you…it’s really “us”
But tell me who you really trust
To keep it real and one-hundred-plus capacity
Gotten past the fears of if and when they’ll laugh at me
Thick skin grown to armadillo quality
Proven when I let their words take their chance at me
I take my own notes
Reviewing my own words that I wrote
Seeing what holes need to be filled
Watching more than ever the words that I speak or spoke
My mind’s constantly turning like bicycle spokes
Even worse when my thought process is provoked
And encouraged to do more
Pushed to the brink
What else am I to think?
I’m driven to excellence
Pushing away the velour in favor of the mink
Not slighting animal rights
I’m not an animal, right?
But I understand that the fittest survive
Which makes my desire to be better is so animal-like
And I keep a laser-focus
Making open ears grab pens and quickly quote this
Not as a troubled soul
But someone on the brink of exceeding a doubled-goal
While it may take a double-toll
I total the ink, sweat, and tears
Multiply that by a couple of years
And determine that it’s worth it
I’m sure that you’ve heard it
And I appreciate the attention
Never neglecting to mention
The fact that I refused to stop my rise
Nor ever close my eyes
I needed and wanted to see it all
So that I can be a better judge
Seeing it all clearly, no eyes are rubbed
I know that my success is soon to dawn on me
I learn from my past moves
Won’t make many mistakes, like when Mike chose Kwame...

-W.A. Gordon

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