Monday, June 7, 2010

15-Minute Workout (6/7/2010) - NEW POEM

Good evening,

Thanks for stopping through! It's been a light but interesting day. I'm still pressing through a couple of situations, but keep me in your thoughts and prayers, because I will get through it all. I'm still pressing and at the end of (or maybe before) this madness, the book release is full "go".

So, I got to reading some of my past "Workouts" that I've posted since I've started this thing. And then after finishing this post that you're about to read, I came to a startling conclusion - I WANT SUCCESS!!! I mean, it is almost a common thread in a lof of my lines. Again, I'm just freestyling and writing what I can that is in my mind. Well, what can I say? In this awesome book that I've been reading, it does say "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7a), so I guess that I'm just putting that food for thought on my dinner plate night after night.

As usual, please leave your feedback on this "Workout". To be honest, I think that I might be in for a night of a little more writing, so be on the lookout for that. Peace to everybody and be on alert for any new updates or announcements about "Flawed Thoughts". 'Preciate you all!

15-Minute Workout - Part Seven

I’m not yet where I wanna be
Still I fight hard to not be a wanna-be
Setting for all, not nothing
That’s just the way that it’s gotta be
I don’t say this out of pride or self-sufficiency
I say it because I recognize that the clock is ticking
And that it’s wise to be efficient
Which is why I’m on a mission
To go and get mine
Whether or not you've got my back
Again and again I prove that I’ve got spine
Keeping my head up in the face of adversity
Taking not one thing for granted
Living my life as if I never set foot in a university
With a thirst to learn and know more
Ignorance has a place in me no more
Running to collect trophies and championships
Can’t attain ‘em with low scores
Running to the light at the end
Before it’s proclaimed to be the end
This is real life, people
No chance to hit “continue” when all of the extra lives end
This is so far from pretend
Hopefully, a reality check hits you
Funny part is that once you do figure out the rules
The game changes suit in a quick swoop
So make sure that you carefully choose
Life’s roads continually meander swift
Live every moment to it’s fullest extent
Start checking off like crazy on your bucket list
And if you’re protesting, bucking fists
It’s simply because you refuse to grow up
But you’ll soon see my perspective on things
Especially when Father Time quickly shows up
And still I hold up
Maintaining that drive and persistence pays
Running the good race on good faith
Those in resistance stay
Eventually getting stuck
Looking for good fortune cookies or rabbit feet for luck
Unwilling to start a legacy
Instead, anticipating one to mysteriously fall off of a truck
With serial numbers scratched off
But to you, I present the secret to it all
Taking the key to the trunk – the latch is off
Whatever you want in this life
Material or tangible
You have to make it happen on your own
With the tenacity of an untamed animal
Not knowing when your next meal will come
But acknowledging that you have to eat
The question is, yeah, you wanna be hot
But can you really stand the heat
Or can you only just stand to cheat
I’m no judge, but I think that there’s a better way
Have you ever considered creating your own game
Creating for yourself and others behind you a better day
Just something to process
Continue your progress
Keep dreaming and don’t accept the status quo
And keep running until there’s no more beating in your chest...

-W.A. Gordon

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