Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Suspended For What?

Happy Snow Day, Everybody:

Yup, if you're in or anywhere near me geographically (or not) you may already know that we got that good blast of snow this morning. I woke up to about 6-8 inches just sitting there laughing at me. Took me about an hour to get shoveled out, but I'm alive! Now that I'm back, I just wanted to share with you this crazy story that I saw this morning.

Now I'm no big fan of bagpipes or pipe marching bands or anything like that, but I have to say that this is the silliest reason for suspension in a professional environment that I've ever seen. They suspended the man for saluting OUR president. If we are now in a country where we are not allowed to salute our commander-in-chief, I think that I would be co-signed if I were to say that I will need a list of the new "do's and dont's" when it comes to acknowledging our country's leader ASAP!

I understand that there was a concern of security. And who's to say that some crazy individual were to do the same thing as some signal for some attack or something. But with all of that considered, I still find it incredu....ok, let me just say it - stupid for someone to be suspended for six months over doing something that I think many of us would be inclined to do in the same spot: saying hi to Mr. President.

On another note, I take this even more personally that it is coming from my home area of all places. Take it from me, everybody - we have more that enough problems on our plate in Cleveland. The lowest thing on the totem pole of priorites is a guy who is a community servant wanting to acknowledge his country's leader when the opportunity presented itself. I think it's safe to say that many would probably feel the same if this happened in their neck of the woods.

Well, let me know what you think. I still find it hard to understand how we can take a small occurrence and allow it to be a six-month suspension. I'm still lost in that confusion.

Leave some thoughts!

-W.A. Gordon

1 comment:

  1. Had the same issue this morning waking up to snow. Not quite as much as you, but still the mess is out there. Enjoyed your article and if you don't mind I'd like to follow along. :-)
